07 November 2009

Radical Love, Radical Islam and Radical Security

Okay, let's get this out front: I counsel soldiers daily who are undergoing various levels of stress related to their service here in Afghanistan. I have done so now for almost as long as our current wars have been going on. NEVER HAVE I ONCE FELT THE NEED TO EXPRESS MY OWN STRESS BY KILLING U.S. SOLDIERS!

(Oh, and btw, I have actually been IN Iraq and Afghanistan to the tune of almost two years.)

The murderous bastard Hasan, an Islamic Terrorist, has NEVER been overseas.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: What evidence are you waiting for? We shouldn't "be too quick to judge?" WTF? Let me clue you in - a radical Muslim psychiatrist who gets counseled for arguing about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan WITH HIS CLIENTS, who goes to Jihadist websites and extols the virtues of suicide bombing (comparing them with soldiers who throw themselves on grenades to save fellow soldiers), and who enters a soldier processing center and murders 13 innocent, unarmed human beings and shoots another 30, IS A MUSLIM TERRORIST!!! STOP EQUIVOCATING, PRESIDENT OBAMA!!

Hasan, should he die in his current state, will face judgment for what he has done and, while I would never wish Hell on anyone, he is certainly a fit representative of the most deserving. He is a Radical Islamist - no ands, ifs or buts. And let me clarify that, while most Muslims will not follow his strain of thought, all Muslims face the difficult fact that Hasan followed the Quran's admonishments to kill the infidel to the letter. Indeed, his only "radical" act was to FULLY follow his leader's commands.

When a so-called Christian shoots an abortion doctor (and, btw, I think that would be TWO of them in the last almost 40 years since the murder of the unborn was legalized) or bombs a clinic, he is acting IN DIRECT CONTRADICTION to his leader's commands.

Compare: "Beloved, let us love one another. For love is from God and everyone that loves is born of God and knows God. He that does not love does not know God, for God is love." 1 John 4:7-8

And: Surah9:29 (from the Qur'an), Fight those who believe neither in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth (Islam), even if they are of the People of the Book (Christians and Jews), until they pay the Jizya (tax) with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

Christians are called to LOVE radically, while the greatest ethic of Islam is to KILL radically. The Taliban and Al Qaeda have extended this radical murder ethic to include those of their own faith, whom they deem inferior, or even non-Muslim, if they do not immediately side with them in their murderous ways. When dealing one on one with Muslims, Christians should NEVER resort to violence, aggression, condemnation or confrontation, but simply the love that Jesus rendered even his greatest enemies. However, this happens on a personal level. It is impossible for a nation to show love to another nation. Love is dispensed through individuals, by contact with other individuals.

HOWEVER, that said, it is a fool's errand to hire, elect or otherwise inject peoples into a society whose values stand in stark contradiction to the premises upon which that society is based. If we were to have elected Communists into government in the '50s and '60s, we would soon have found ourselves a Communist nation, no longer a Federal Republic. We CAN vote ourselves OUT of freedom.

We can also immigrate ourselves out of freedom, as well. France faces this type of cataclysm in the near future. With a 20% Muslim population, a very powerful voting block, and with Western reproduction rates at well below those of their immigrant counterparts, it will not be long until the Islamists within France outnumber and outvote the Westerners in France. What will come of this? It is yet to see, but there is no security in handing over your legal system to Sharia (Muslim) law. England is already allowing Sharia courts to function - states within a state, so to speak. Islam is the fastest growing religion in America, despite the horrors of 9-11. How long until we face such violations of our Constitutional system?

Radical security is the answer for any State to survive. Do we have the will to survive as a nation? When our fellow citizens were slaughtered on 9-11, there were Muslims in America who cheered - on the streets of New York and in a bar in Kent, Washington - and I am sure in many other places. No one did anything about it. I fear we do not have the will to survive. We will go on with our politically correct pretentions that we can allow an enemy to thrive within our borders, doing nothing about it for fear that we may look bad or harm someone's rights.

The cancer patient still dies who avoids surgery and chemo in order to protect their outer beauty.

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