28 October 2010

What this Election is Missing

In all of the hub-bub of the coming elections, there is something conspicuously missing. While the economy is a huge factor in the decision-making of the electorate, where is the moral outrage on issues of the day? We have slowly been blinded to think that economic progress is the pinnacle of civilization, all the while allowing the moral underpinnings of our culture to crumble. What is it truly that made us great? Did we fashion this country by the strength and cleverness of our own hands? Or was "Divine Providence," something the founders of this country so frequently referenced, the driving force behind a nation that sought to create a "City on a Hill"?

When you vote this time around, consider the consequences of moral neutrality. It's not just the economy, stupid. "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord." Let us remember that, while sweeping the socialist foolishness and Godlessness from the ranks, we must also look to the moral issues of the day in order to complete the counter-revolution. I encourage you to look at http://www.manhattandeclaration.org/ and support this social movement. We are in an ideological fight with people of other "religious" ideologies. They don't believe they are religious, as they don't subscribe to any of the various religions we know. However, they are every bit as religious as we Christians. They have a moral code (as diffuse and minimalist as it may be). They have a dogma. They proselytize. They fight other religious ideologies as if they were cancers.

The only way to win over against other competing ideologies is to fight back. Fight with your vote. Trust me, there will always be free speech for the non-Christian, even if Christians dominate in the vote. However, there will not always be free speech for the Christian if non-Christians win the day. This is not alarmist. Look around the world. The single most persecuted peoples in the world are Christians. There can be no compromise. Vote. Vote on the economy, but vote on your beliefs, too. We have this freedom in America...for now.

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