23 June 2009


I've said before that we have a problem with our tactical environment at Bagram. That came to a peak on Sunday morning around 2am. At 0130 hours we all packed Disney drive again for another Fallen Comrade Ceremony. Now, don't get me wrong - I am a fan of the Ceremony, but as I've said before, I question our tactical focus here.

With the big worry recently being uniform coloring of PT reflective belts, keeping runners from wearing sunglasses between 0530-0700 for PT and getting rid of boonie caps (the latter two of these are normally considered sun-damage reducing items, but I guess not here in the heat), one would think we might also be improving our fighting positions. Not so much.

We of course announce over loud speakers the coming of the ceremonies so that all soldiers will line Disney drive for the 3/4 mile stretch for approximately 1/2 hour. This, of course, gives the enemy both warning and time to set up an attack. About the time on Sunday morning that I was returning to my hooch, just moments after the Hero had passed by - and about the time he reached the flight line - the incoming rounds fell. Three loud reports broke the early morning silence.

Sadly, we lost two men in the attack. Several more were wounded. I continue to question the wisdom of treating our base as if it were a Garrison environment. We are far more concerned about the proper wear of the uniform and ridiculous things like saluting down a packed walkway than we are about recalling that we are in a war zone - an asymmetrical war zone where the enemy is often among us.

I thought our focus might change with this loss, but was sad to see the following morning the report of the two heroes killed....followed by the announcement of another Fallen Comrade Ceremony on their behalf. What will it take to learn?

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